"For some in our community, a move into Level 4 lockdown is scary and lonely so let's make sure we are talking to each other and looking after everybody," she said. "We've done this before and we can do it and get through it again!"
Mayor Walker also recognised the large number of essential workers across the district.
"It is important that we remember and respect the difficult circumstances under which some of our people are operating. Our medical professionals in particular, but I do believe our supermarket staff need a special mention too."
Monique Davidson, chief executive of Central Hawke's Bay District Council says council is working towards business as usual in unusual times, by continuing to deliver essential services to the community
"We're closely following the guidance of the New Zealand Government Ministry of Health, Hawke's Bay District Health Board and Hawke's Bay Emergency Management Group and are building a local plan in support of the national and regional response.
"Central Hawke's Bay District Council is a provider of essential services including roading, water and refuse collection. We have a responsibility to ensure the delivery of essential services in order to maintain the health and wellbeing of our communities."
Ms Davidson said council had worked hard since the last Lockdown to develop a Business Continuity Plan that was robust, agile and committed to ensuring community access to essential services.
With the move up to Alert Level 4 and the declaration of a State of Emergency in New Zealand — that plan was now in full swing. An Incident Management Team is in place respond to COVID-19.
The team is in close collaboration with Civil Defence Emergency Management and Hawke's Bay District Health Board.
All public facilities would be closed during Level 4, including service centres, libraries, swimming pools, playgrounds and public toilets. Normal kerbside rubbish and recycling will continue.
Keep an eye out for further information on the Central Hawke's Bay District Council website, official Facebook page or by contacting Council's customer service experience team who continue to operate and will advise what services are available.
For information and updates on our services during Alert Level 4 as they come to hand visit - https://www.chbdc.govt.nz/our-council/covid-19/
The best source of general information regarding COVID-19 is: https://covid19.govt.nz