Searching for a winner in the Spud in The Bucket competition.
Searching for a winner in the Spud in The Bucket competition.
Bush SuperGrans annual Free Spud in a Bucket prizegiving was held at Pahiatua Help-n-Hand on Saturday, February 15. This year we had 52 buckets with potatoes growing in them arrive on the day.
The categories and winners were:
■ Children
Best crop - Aaliyah Lewis. Most even-sized crop - Isiah Lyons. Biggest potato - Toby White.
Most potatoes - Lyn Hughes. Most even-sized crop - Shirley Wallace. Biggest potato - Rodney Hughes.
Bush SuperGrans annual Spud in a Bucket competition was a great success thanks to volunteers who gave their time to lend a hand, and to those who participated.
It was wonderful to see the number of crops that had grown , which made judging very difficult. Bush SuperGrans appreciates all the families that supported and contributed towards this successful event.
The eventis a great way for families to engage in the community while spending quality time teaching children a basic life skill. There is no age restriction when growing a vegetable garden .
Anyone interested in entering the Free Spud in a Bucket competition for next year or learning how to grow your own vegetable garden, can contact Kathy at Bush SuperGrans, 42 Main St, Pahiatua.