Dannevirke Athletics pulled off a small miracle on Monday night by squeezing in the traditional Forbes and Tippett inter-primary school relays between bouts of wet weather. Despite earlier drizzly and cool weather the day fined up, the wind dried the grass and even the sun shone - albeit briefly.
A large crowd of parents and supporters assembled for the event, which has run since 1953. It comprises four relays of teams of four each running 100 metres on the 400m track. The B-Grade was for predominantly Year 7 athletes but schools with fewer than 100 on their roll were able to field Year 8 competitors.
The A-grade was predominantly Year 8 athletes. The girls competed for the Forbes Cup and the boys the Tippett Cup.
It has not been a good season for the athletics club weather-wise with rain on most Wednesday training nights and the main schools' athletics postponed until Wednesday December 2.
However the schools have run their own events and whether the South School Colour Fun Run had any influence or not, certainly South School seniors showed their class by winning both A-Grade events.