It looked like scenes from the gleeful tomato-pelting festival in the Spanish town of Bunol.
Except it was Parramatta, Sydney, as chest-baring blokes packing Pirtek Stadium bobbed and bounced to back the Western Sydney Wanderers soccer team playing against the Wellington Phoenix on Sunday night.
The energetic ones engaged in a Poznan-like celebration which involves fans standing with their backs to the pitch, linking shoulders side-by-side and jumping on the spot in unison. It is mostly associated with the Polish city of Lech Poznan but England's Manchester City fans and Celtic and Rangers faithful from Scotland have adopted similar dance routines called The Huddle or The Bouncy.
Wanderers fans perform it in the 80th minute of matches to represent the first soccer match played in Western Sydney in 1880.
On April 12 this year, in the A-League semifinal and grand final, predominantly the entire stadium did the poznan despite the Wanderers trailing 2-0 in the latter encounter.