With under a week before opening night, things are coming together nicely for the Dannevirke Theatre Company’s production of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
Sunday, April 2 was the first dress rehearsal with lighting and sound and the performance lifted as the actors not only believed in their roles but also looked them. It was a very promising launch for a show that is bound to take off as rehearsals intensify and confidence builds.
Anna Howell as the wicked Queen Evilynn strikes an imposing figure in her gorgeous dress and crown and preoccupation with being the most beautiful and Cindy O’Sullivan as Clarissa the Cook provides the humour with her zany antics, while her son Muddles (Reuben Te Huki) lives up to his name as they play hilarious roles together.
Snow White (Tessa Higginson) links the actions well while heartthrob Prince Valiant (Toby Walker) looks and acts the part.