Q I read your recent column about using KiwiSaver to buy a home. My wife and I would like to apply for the First Home Deposit Subsidy, as we have been contributing to KiwiSaver since 2007. I have read that the income limit has been increased to $120,000 for a couple, so I am hoping that we will qualify. Does it include overtime? Our gross income is around $110,000 but there are times when I get overtime, and that could push us over the limit. How is eligibility assessed?
A The Government has made some changes to the First Home Deposit Subsidy, including adjusting the income limits. These adjustments have been welcomed by first-home buyers who previously did not qualify.
The income limit for two people has been raised from $100,000 to $120,000 but the income limit of $140,000 for three or more people has been scrapped; $120,000 is now the maximum household income limit. The income limit for a single person buying a house has been lowered from $100,000 to $80,000. The new criteria come into effect from October 1, 2013.
Someone who meets the eligibility criteria can get $1000 for every year they have been contributing to KiwiSaver, up to a maximum of $5000. A qualifying couple will receive $5000 each. This money does not have to be repaid, as long as you live in the house for at least six months.
Sound too good to be true? Not at all - for those that qualify, it is a very good deal indeed. Anyone buying their first home who has been contributing at least the minimum amount to KiwiSaver for at least three years, and whose income is within the specified limits, can apply.