Q My brother has a KiwiSaver account but is not currently employed in NZ as he works offshore. He does run his own business doing contract mechanical work when he is back here. Can we set up a regular payment for him to continue KiwiSaver contributions?
A: Anyone with a KiwiSaver account can make contributions to it whether they are in the country or not.
You should find a direct debit form in the investment statement - either phone the fund manager for help or look for it on their website. If the contributions are to come from his bank account he will need to sign the form, unless you have signing authority on his account.
If your brother is in a balanced or growth fund then making regular contributions should give him a better outcome as he will get the benefit of Dollar Cost Averaging. This works with the rise and fall of the unit price as the contributions come in, usually giving a better return than paying in a larger amount say once a year.
Now that KiwiSaver has been going for six years more people are realising the benefits of saving, even a small amount, on a regular basis. You can choose to have up to 8 per cent going into KiwiSaver directly from your salary or wages, but some people are in the fortunate position of being able to save more. Anyone who is contributing to KiwiSaver through their wages can also set up a direct debit to save more. It is a very convenient and easy way to save especially if you align it with your pay cycle.