Students at Taradale High School rehearse for Much Ado About Nothing.
Rehearsals are in the final stages for this year's Taradale High School production.
Students at Taradale High School rehearse for Much Ado About Nothing.
Students at Taradale High School rehearse for Much Ado About Nothing.
Rehearsals are in the final stages for this year's Taradale High School production.
by Brenda Vowden
There will be much ado about plenty when Taradale High School presents this year's production of Shakespeare's comedy, Much Ado About Nothing, directed by music and drama teacher Jane Pierard. The show is on in the school hall on Wednesday to Friday, April 14 to 16, at 7pm. Taradale High School tries to put on a show every year, with a Shakespeare every second year, says cast member Jack Evans.
"This show was meant to be on last year, but Covid-19 pushed it back to this year. It was chosen as Mrs Pierard has done this particular play before and found it to be a pertinent story to show."
The show before last was a student lead production of Robin Hood, in which three year 13 students directed and produced the show. This year around 30 students are involved with the acting, including a large ensemble of junior students. Some classes have also been involved with the staging.
"We have been rehearsing since the start of the year. We haven't had much time so we've been working hard since February. Rehearsals are going well – we will be ready for opening night," Jack says.
The storyline follows Claudio as he falls in love with Hero. Jack plays Don John, who tries to divide the lovers apart and tricks Claudio into believing that Hero is unfaithful, which he falls for. "Throughout the play there is a comic relationship between Beatrice and Benedick as they engage in a 'skirmish of wit'."
Main characters include William Knowles as Claudio, Maite Dechering as Hero, Samantha Herries plays Beatrice, Jack Parsons is playing Benedick and Rock Evans is Don Pedro.
"There's an abundance of colourful characters in the play. Most of the actors have acted before. William is new to acting and has picked up a lead role, working very hard to learn his lines and get the role right."
Jack says the audience can expect an absolutely fantastic show.
"Mrs Pierard has included a Greek chorus to aid the audience in following the plot, as we understand Shakespearian language can be hard to follow."
Cast member Samantha Herries says the play is a far more relaxed and understandable show.
"It's one of his incredibly funny plays which means that people of any age are able to enjoy it without getting lost in the language."
Jack says the main challenges of putting on the show have been the uncertainty around Covid-19. "Moving into level 2 affects our rehearsals as we must social distance. For an actor, this can be hard as you are aware the show may not go ahead. But I can assure you that come opening night, we will be giving it our all."
The Details:
What: Taradale High School production Much Ado About Nothing
When: Wednesday to Friday, April 14-16, 7pm
Tickets: $10 for students/children, $15 for adults available from the school office, 50 Murphy Rd, or on the night, or by phoning 844 2159.
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