Lynair Bergman and Angela Howlett launched Sensory Haven almost a year ago after seeing a gap in the market. Both women have backgrounds in early childhood, having worked with children with special needs and as social workers in schools.
"We saw first hand the struggles children with sensory processing difficulties (SPD) and families experienced. Sensory processing challenges mean that people can misinterpret everyday sensory information such as touch sound and movement. They may be receiving either too much sensory information or not enough to keep their bodies calm and alert," Lynair says.
These difficulties put children with SPD at higher risk for emotional and educational problems that can cause children to be labelled as clumsy, uncooperative and disruptive. Other childhood experiences can also cause children to struggle with self regulation, anxiety and depression, she says.
"We saw how difficult it was for these families to find resources that were reasonably priced that could provide support. This was the driving factor to starting Sensory Haven for Kids. We wanted to make these products accessible and affordable for all."
The pair chose to run the business online to keep overheads as low as possible so products are more affordable and accessible. They researched products which provide support, sourcing stock from both overseas and within New Zealand, with some products made locally. One example is sensory compression sheets, which are made locally and available in stretch lycra, cotton and organic cotton.
"Children can stretch against the fabric, unwind and calm their busy brains. The pressure provided by the sheets creates a calming, hug sensation and the tube shape of the sheet encourages children to stay in bed."
Weighted products including blankets, lap pads and animals provide deep pressure sensory feedback that sensory kids and adults crave and are also a support to calm anxiety, Angela says. "Weighted animals and lap pads help children cope with stressful situations by again providing deep pressure stimulation that can relax the nervous system and reduce anxiety."
She says Sensory Haven products support conditions including SPD, autism, anxiety, trauma, ADHD and dementia.
"We reach a wide range of the community. We are also providing products for the education, health and disability sectors."
Sensory Haven stocks more than 100 products — the pair is always researching to find new means of support.
"Our range includes sensory calming sheets, chewable jewellery, sensory body socks and swings, sleep supports, weighted products, children's books and fidget tools."
Angela and Lynair hope to keep reaching out to the community so people are aware of what they can provide.
"Our long term goal is to further grow our business and out of this be able to support the education and health sectors with presentations and information so there is a better understanding of these children, why they present as they do and how to support them. We also support the community by doing Random Acts of Kindness and give away one of our products on our Facebook page regularly."
• For more information or to purchase products, visit their Facebook page or