One of my favourites, andit goes back to my childhood years, which was a fortnight or two back, is that of the strange lights and objects in the skies above.
Things which due to not having been satisfactorily explained are called unidentified flying objects.
The latest one in my diary of such events was a few weeks back when, just after noon had passed, a large, dark-coloured object soared across the eastern sky.
I could not explain it.
Well not exactly, for it did have wings and they were flapping.
But a dark, almost back seagull?
It remains, unidentified…sort of.
Seeing that distant UFOS (unidentified form of seagull) sparked me to think that I should note this and as I got up to fetch the notepad I UFO'd (unfortunately fell over).
After recovering my posture, and picking up the now empty can, I mused about such aerial mysteries and even land-based mysteries.
So I determined that what I had seen had been a UFS…an unidentifiable flying seagull, although I believe that's also the name of a pharmaceutical store.
So maybe we should call them "another circling conundrum"…an ACC.
Nah, that won't work either.
Just call them WRCs…"who really cares"…although the World Rally Championship folks most certainly will.
What also sparked this latest particle of interest regarding strange things in the sky was reading a recent article about how UFO sightings around the globe have surged since the dreadful Covid-19 lockdowns had been put in place.
For researchers declared that people had little else to do except sit and look out their windows, or from their backyards, up into the skies…which had been left largely clear of large aircraft in the wake of border closures.
So the likelihood of spotting an irregular light, or cluster of lights, had grown.
What had also grown, the article said, had been the "official" file stapled together through the years by the US Defence Department bods.
There are, according to the latest releases about UFO sightings by air force crews and the like, a great deal more than what they used to say they had.
Documents stating that some strange and unidentifiable craft were easily exceeding the speed of sound by 10 times or more…but were not creating sonic booms.
And some were said to have changed direction in a manner which was deemed "impossible".
This great file of interviews, statements and photographs is being prepared for common release very soon, officials said.
Now that will be intriguing.
And I daresay whatever emerges will only amplify the mystery factor rather than solve anything.
What I enjoyed reading were the words of a couple of jet fighter pilots spoken to about "what is up there?"
They simply did not know, but swore they had seen unexplainable "aircraft", with one suggesting they may be test machines or prototypes from another country's technological and engineering workshops.
Ooh…it's the mysterious old cold war thing emerging also.
Then some analyst chap reckoned that the best way for the USA to cover up "their" unidentified flying object devices was to release a string of reports about such things and insist they were mystified at what is going on "out there".
I only once ever saw a strange light passing over fast, made stranger by the fact it changed direction very quickly then disappeared.
I was told by a scientific chap it was likely to have been a piece of orbiting junk which hit another piece and speared away.
Fair call, but I'll go with a large black seagull carrying a torch.
Far more mysterious.
Roger Moroney is an award-winning journalist and observer of the slightly off-centre.
A classic film, now told in te reo Māori. Shrek returns to the big screen, with a Hawke's Bay voice bringing Lord Farquaad to life. Video / Rafaella Melo - Hawke's Bay Today