Dannevirke Host Lions book sale has exceeded all records and expectations, raising more than $18,750 in five days - $4000 more than last year's record sale.

Chief co-ordinator Lion Barbara Ferguson said it proves that despite all the electronic forms of entertainment available, people still love to read books.
Slightly fewer books were on sale because the Palmerston North Red Cross book sale is postponed until September but thanks to locals cleaning out their bookshelves during lockdown and several small truckloads coming from Masterton, a massive range of fiction and non-fiction titles made its way to Napier after the sale.
Signs were excellent on Wednesday morning when more than 80 people waited outside the Dannevirke Town Hall for the sale to open. Many had come from Hawke's Bay and one book enthusiast left Wairoa at 3am to be at the opening. By 9.30am 200 people were inside and by 5pm sales exceeded $8000.