As a boat doing its job the 7.5 metres Optimum proved right up to the mark for father and son fishing combo Dave and Sam Christiansen with the rare landing of a broadbill swordfish off the Southern Hawke's Bay coast yesterday.
"We got what we wanted," said 35-year-old Sam Christiansen, after a 120km drive to Napier to weigh the catch, because there were no suitable scales at Blackhead Beach where the catch was landed after a morning fishing trip which lasted barely three hours.
"We were after the broadbill," said Dave Christiansen. "We've never caught them before. We hooked one last year, but we lost it."

Carrying-out a "courtesy-weigh" at the Hawke's Bay Sports Fishing Club, before the fishermen headed back to Blackhead to cut up the catch, a club member said he'd never seen a broadbill weighed in almost 30 years with the club.