Apparently it takes a village to raise a child.
That being the case - does anyone have a village they can lend me for a bit? I am into my fourth week of my second grandchild. Being a hands-on grandmamma, I am doing my best to do my bit, but babies these days are a complex issue. Take carseats for instance - it took me longer to install the baby-capsule in my car than it took my daughter to give birth to the child. No, really, she was in labour for one hour and four minutes.
Disposable nappies pose their own challenge - they curl up before I can get the baby into them and I'm all thumbs with the tabs ... especially if I don't have my reading glasses on. My daughter is forever taking over, with a roll of her eyes and a sigh, and re-nappying the child. It becomes even more challenging once the first, now two-year-old grandchild is added.
"I'm jumping" he'll yell at me from the arm of the couch, just as I'm trying to tie tiny bows on tiny bootees half a room away. I'm expected to catch him and I haven't missed yet, but there have been some close calls and I think I need to get my blood pressure meds increased.
Nearly three years ago when my daughter told me she was pregnant with my first grandson, I was horrified. "I'm too young to be a grandmother," I wailed. Now, as I unpack the dishwasher, doing grandmamma duty with a puking baby draped over one arm and a toddler clinging to my leg, I have changed my tune.