It was a proud moment for Elsthorpe volunteer rural firefighter Simon Pearse as he stood outside the village church to remember the fallen heroes who protected the free world from fascism and hatred — he was wearing his father's medals for the first time since he was a kid, playing soldier in the back garden of the family home in Berkshire, England.
"I was 26 when Dad died, and it took some time after that before I really registered what a hero he had been," Simon says.
"Wearing his medals at the Anzac Day service was something I've wanted to do for many years, ever since I knew I could," he says.

Simon's father, Harry, won the Military Cross for bravery in 1945 when, under heavy enemy fire, he made his way towards a German gun emplacement to direct a barrage of artillery as his Inns of Court regiment attempted to recapture a French town following the D-Day invasion.