“The changes agreed to the Possum Control Area (PCA) programme is one of the most significant things the council could do to protect and restore the region’s indigenous terrestrial biodiversity.
“The policy allows the council to consider the use of a contractor model and that how this is operationalised and funded will be considered and consulted on in the development of the upcoming LTP.
“The use of professional contractors along with the latest pest control tools and techniques and the ability to record a detailed range of information related to pest management programmes, all create a greater opportunity to progress from possum suppression to possum eradication across the region.”
The change was strongly supported in submissions made to the council earlier in the year. Then came consultation with neighbouring councils and meetings with key industry and interest groups such as the Department of Conservation, Federated Farmers, OSPRI, Beef + Lamb, and local pest control contractors, as well as affected landowners.
Of the 155 submissions received, more than two-thirds of submissions were in favour of the change.
Possum control is a proven strategy for restoring native bird life in cities and towns.
After possum control began in Napier in 2008, bellbird numbers doubled after one year.
After five years, bellbird numbers trebled, and tui quadrupled. Napier also saw the first evidence of kereru breeding in 30 years.
Council-managed possum contracting is also important to the region’s efforts to become predator free.
A regional council spokesman said possums are the most likely of the Predator Free 2050 species to be the target of eradication across the New Zealand mainland.