The Terrace School's new principal Andrew Chesswas says he is delighted with the informal feedback he received after a visit to the Waipukurau school by the Education Review Office this month.
"They commented on the significant progress in establishing positive and respectful relationships between teachers and students," Chesswas says.
"They noticed the settled tone within classrooms and the school environment. ERO observed that in all classrooms students were well engaged in learning, and that classrooms had a purposeful working tone and were settled and orderly. They stated that leaders have established an orderly and supportive environment conductive to student learning and wellbeing."
Chesswas - Matua Anaru to his staff, students and their whanau - says the school he stepped into just seven months ago "has a good feel to it".
"While we know there are still many areas to grow and further develop, this is very encouraging feedback on the changes at Terrace this year."