The extensive deposits of rocks below the new road in layers to protect it from another Aohanga River flood. Photo / Dave Murdoch
The extensive deposits of rocks below the new road in layers to protect it from another Aohanga River flood. Photo / Dave Murdoch
After suffering extensive damage during Cyclone Gabrielle, Marainanga Gorge Rd has reopened.
Tararua District mayor Tracey Collis, councillors, community members, Iwi, staff from Tararua Alliance and the Tararua Cyclone Recovery programme were onsite on Thursday to mark the opening of the Marainanga Gorge Rd.
Approximately 300m completely washed away into the Aohanga River during the cyclone and the road has not been open to the public since February 14.
The Buhler family now able to get to Pongaroa from their Sugarloaf Farm in half an hour rather than the 1.5 hours when the gorge was closed. Photo / Dave Murdoch
The repair has been no small task with the replacement road rebuilt 10m up from river level.
Active collaboration has assisted in getting the road open as quickly as possible in challenging winter conditions.
“The opportunity to work together with Iwi and Horizons Regional Council, alongside experienced local contractors is what has allowed the works to progress as rapidly as they have, and what has also given us the confidence to work in a relatively sensitive environment,” Tararua Alliance capital projects manager Andrew Desmond said.
Tararua Alliance Capital Projects Manager Andrew Desmond explains the still present safety risks for those using the new road. The old road is the horizontal line 1.5m above him. Photo / Dave Murdoch
With initial works to open the thoroughfare complete, further works are scheduled on-site to strengthen the remaining road’s formation and address resilience issues.
“It’s a fragile site and it’s crucial people keep that in mind when using the Gorge Rd,” Desmond added.
“The bank below the remaining portion of road leading down to the river has scoured significantly, leaving a narrow passageway for about 50m. We need people to understand there are risks, and to take it easy on the new road.”
Collis was grateful for the patience of the local community and the hard work of the roading crews and local contractors in working to get the road rebuilt and open again.
The hardworking crew who restored the road in all weathers. Photo / Dave Murdoch
“Today is a significant milestone in our recovery,” she said.
“Losing this road so dramatically during the cyclone has not been easy for our people in the surrounding area. It’s been a stressful time and some residents have had to endure considerable additional travel to go about their daily lives and run their businesses.”
“We hope that the reopening of the Marainanga Gorge Rd brings some relief to our communities in the area.”
Mark Wheeler who kept the community up to date every week on Facebook cuts the ribbon at the opening site deliberately placed halfway in the new road to symbolise the rejoining of east and west ends of the gorge. Photo / Dave Murdoch
Collis wanted to say “a heartfelt thank you to those on Coast Rd, Marainanga Rd, Owahanga Rd, and the surrounding properties for their understanding and perseverance.”
“We’re glad we could share this opening with many of them today.”
A view from the Pongaroa end showing the completely reformed new part of the Marainanga Gorge Road. Photo / Dave Murdoch
While the Marainanga Gorge is now officially open to traffic, motorists are urged to remember work on the project is not fully complete, therefore the Gorge Rd will be subject to further short closures as work continues.
A strict speed limit of 30kmph is in place through the Gorge, and there is a single-lane stretch with a priority give-way system operating, which has always been the case.
Motorists using the Gorge are advised there is no stopping as they are travelling through.
The road is not recommended for campervans or large buses and to avoid further degradation, loaded vehicles are encouraged to use the alternative route on River Rd.
The site will continue to be closely monitored as works continue to complete the repair.