Voting polls for all districts are now closed and at 11.24am this morning below half of the total residents had cast their vote from the Hawke's Bay Today circulation area.
56,108 people out of a total 123,097 from the Wairoa, Hastings, Napier, Central Hawke's Bay and Tararua districts had voted, which was just 45.58%.
Wairoa District Council received the highest number of votes moving up to 62.0% this morning. Yesterday 3000 out of 5500 residents had returned their voting papers, which was 56.7%.
Hastings District Council received an extra 1238 votes this morning taking their total to 23,757 out of 53,143 residents. This meant 44.40% had voted, which was right behind their 2013 total of 44.90%.
Napier District Council received a further 862 votes this morning taking their total to 17,697 out for 42,876 residents. This meant 41.27% had voted, which was down on the last election where they reached 47.76%.