Welcome back to Hawke's Bay Today's "Lockflix" feature. Sea Sister surfing coach Niamh Jefferson, Napier MP Stuart Nash and Ngahiwi Tomoana, chair of Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated, are our guests this week, with their picks for killing time online in lockdown. Send us your picks to editor@hbtoday.co.nz and
Podcasts, movies and music: top picks for lockdown
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Cabins In The Wild (Netflix). "The amazing structures and works of art these people create are mesmerising" says Niamh Jefferson.
Best online series I recently watched Cabins In The Wild on Netflix, I'd definitely recommend it. The amazing structures and works of art these people create are mesmerising.
Best podcast I have been listening to is Diaries of a Dyke.
Her honest korero and the variety of peeps she has on her podcast keep you guessing and entertained.
Best album I have been listening to Norah Jones - her smooth melodies are relaxing in these uncertain times. I love her 'Come Away With Me' album but pressing play on her Spotify playlist is just as worthwhile.

Ngahiwi Tomoana, chair of Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated.

"(My wife) Mere and I have been locked down with our 3-year-old mokopuna Sophia who has dominated what we've watched and listened to.
Best movie we've seen lately is Bee Movie. We were riveted to this cartoon movie about a bee finding out that their simple bee lifestyle of collecting pollen to make honey was being industrialised and corporatised without any benefit to the bees.
The bees were being ripped off badly! He bonds with a florist lady to get some respect and justice for all bees.
I think they need a Treaty of Bee-tangi to bee-quest to bee-neficiaries honeyed royalties or the bees will all die and so might we. Our moko loves bees.

The best TV series we have been watching is
Spirit - Riding Free. Another cartoon series about three teenage girls at a riding school in heartland US.
A horse with Indian origins and a wild free spirit bonds with one of the girls and this pair get into regular strife. The horse "Spirit" runs wild and free like its ancestors, jumping over steep canyons, swimming wild rivers and leading other wild horse herds to freedom from rodeos, show jumping and the cavalry, seeking its own tino horseytiratanga.
Our house is full of hurdles, log jumps and horse heads on broomsticks, wheels and rockers now as our moko whoops and gallops through the place.

Best Podcast I have listened to is
Girls don't fart ok? This is by Lisa Regan and again our moko loves it and plays it every night. It's about boys eating baked beans and erupting in front of the girls who declare "girls don't fart OK?".
Which prompts the boys to track female species such as mermaids, squirrels, unicorns, ballerinas and cats.
They report bubbles, peanut butter smells, furry fumes and ballet blasts that make the dancer spin faster. The smell is nauseous but also a source of mirth and laughter, not unlike the origins of Ngati Kahungunu iwi itself.
We have plenty of air freshener on hand every time our moko goes into her routine. Ok?
Best Album we have listened to is Kahurangi (Spotify.)
These are the original albums of Kahurangi which we blast regularly to remind us of the creative greatness of Tama Huata and his team through the wananga of Canon Wi Te Tau Huata and others of his time.
The music is timeless and anchored in Takitimu whakapapa and tikanga. This is a welcome balance to all the blinking cartoons we watch.
Our mokopuna loves it too as she discovers her reo rangatira alongside us all.
Napier MP Stuart Nash

Best movie I've watched lately is The Gentlemen. Very clever! I am a huge fan of Guy Ritchie and he very rarely fails to deliver
Best TV series I have been watching is Knightfall. A historical drama very loosely based on the fall of the Templar Knights. Currently watching "Frontier". Wow

Best podcasts I have been listening to There are two podcast hosts that I enjoy listening to: Lewis Howes' "The School of Greatness" and "The Genius Life" with Max Lugavere.
Both have a lot of health and wellbeing related interviews with world-leading experts. I also try to listen to 'Wall Street Breakfast' every day just to get a feel for what is happening in the US economy. Each segment is only 7 – 10 minutes, so easy to do!
Best album I have been listening to
I have rediscovered Annie Lennox's "Medusa" album. This is Annie's interpretation of a number of classic songs.
Her rendition of the Clash's "Train in Vain" is awesome; which is a remarkable thing to say considering that 30 years ago I would have called any cover of this legend song sacrilege!

And, heaven forbid, I am actually reading a book. "21 lessons for the 21st Century" by Yuval Noah Harari (he also wrote "Sapiens" and "Homo Deus"). Brilliant and enlightening. I thoroughly recommend any of Harari's books.