The Keirunga Theatre Collective production of Pirate Kai will persist through the red light with a performance at Toitoi Hawke's Bay Arts & Events Centre this weekend.
The planned tour ran for 19 shows, but has now been reduced to one on Saturday, 10am at Toitoi, due to the red traffic light setting restricting audience sizes.
Show director Juliet Cottrell said the show is for 3 to 10-year-old children and is about a brother and sister, Kai and Noodles, played by actors Danny Priestly and Andy Brigden.
"Kai is the older brother, and he's doing the serious things like the cooking and the cleaning and growing cabbages, and Noodle is a little bit more playful and adventurous. It's encased within a child's imagination and she encounters a pirate ship coming into the bay, crewed by two stunning, gorgeous puppets."
She said the production used 25-year-old puppets from the original show in Australia.