After speeches and blessings by the local iwi the flag was hoisted by Stuart Malins and Wilson Duff of Tararua Alliance, Mayor Tracey Collis and Louise Powick, the Explore Pahiatua Community Committee chairwoman.
In her speech, Louise Powick said: "This important event is another significant marker in the journey of Pahiatua. Celebrating a modern town - once again, poised for growth."
Tararua District Mayor Collis expressed gratitude to Trevor Mallard and MP Kieran McAnulty on behalf of the people of Pahiatua and the Tararua District.
"I would like to extend a special thank you to our guest of honour, the Honourable Trevor Mallard, Speaker of the House, along with Kieran McAnulty, MP for Wairarapa who have enabled this ceremony to take place.
"We thank you for your generosity, for listening and understanding the significance of the Sedcole Flagpole to our community and honouring that with a flag from Parliament Buildings and with your presence here today.
"This gift acknowledges the significance of our flagpole and the town's rich histories."
Kieran McAnulty spoke to the Bush Telegraph, "This came about because of the official opening of the town centre upgrade. The mayor, Tracey Collis, mentioned the only thing missing was a flag big enough for the flagpole.
"I thought I might be able to help with that. So I asked around at Parliament, conscious that they have these big flags flying above the building which they replace regularly.
"I said that in recognition of the historic status of the Sedcole Flagpole and Pahiatua's strong connection to Parliament, having produced prime ministers, governor-generals and a Cabinet minister, would they be willing to donate a flag - they agreed.
"The next thing to ask was if the Speaker would be willing to come up to Pahiatua and pass on the flag to the people of the district on behalf of Parliament as a whole - all political parties.
"It's unusual, I'm not sure if it's ever been done before, it was just an idea I had, it's all worked out quite well, it looks fantastic.
"It was really special to have the Speaker to come to town and have representatives from the council, Explore Pahiatua and Tangata Whenua, to commemorate the handing-over. The flag has been flown above Parliament, it's really special," he said.
Trevor Mallard said, "I have a long association with Pahiatua. It was the 'big smoke' when I stayed in Konini in the early 1960s. I praised Kieran McAnulty for his initiative, convincing me to allow the flag storage at Parliament to be raided for the biggest size flag we have - and only slightly used.
"I complimented the team responsible for the fantastic work of renewal in the median strip in the town. It looks good, is very comfortable and I'm sure will attract locals and visitors alike," he said.
The Sedcole Flagpole is an important part of Pahiatua's history. Constructed in 1901 by a local landowner, Henry Sedcole, the flagpole was donated for the local community to have a focal point to mark civic occasions and important events.
A prominent landmark of Pahiatua following the settlement of the town in the 1880s, the Sedcole Flagpole was a marker of the maturing town, coinciding with other civic institutions in Pahiatua.
It was removed in 2015 for repairs and replaced with a beautiful replica as part of the Main St upgrade.
During the upgrade process Tararua District's roading Alliance partner, Downer, sponsored $5000 for the foundational work of the flagpole to be built into the upgrade. This was followed by a grant of $27,500 from Tararua District Council's Heritage Protection Reserve.
The original flagpole was donated to the family of Henry Sedcole and has been cut and made into plaques for his descendants.
According to the speeches by Mayor Tracey and Louise Powick, this event is another significant marker in the journey of Pahiatua.
"The gift of our national flag portrays relationship - all the hopes, dreams and people it represents. As this flag flies over our town, may it unite all cultures and bring healing to our land."