Gregg Perkins from Pahiatua has received a Meritorious Service Award from Theatre New Zealand.
"My love of theatre began in the 50s when my parents sent me to the Mattie Gibson School of Speech and Drama," said Gregg. "I'm not sure whether this was for my benefit or theirs, providing some child-free time! However I enjoyed it and discovered the art.
"Jump forward to the early 70s when I was settled in Wakefield near Nelson. A meeting was held in the Village Hall to revive the in-recess Country Players and the group went on to be one of the most successful theatre societies in the district, and of course, still is – I'm a life member.
"Beside acting, I also directed, worked backstage operating light and sound, and front of house. A large number of plays, musicals and one-act plays making the finals of Theatrefest.
"Country Players also instigated their own version of Theatre Restaurant which became very popular. We also attracted the interest of a junior reporter at the Nelson Evening Mail, Kim Hill, who reviewed us with her inimitable acerbic wit!