There are no plans to permanently close the Community Mental Health Services currently provided in Pahiatua.
There are no plans to permanently close the Community Mental Health Services currently provided in Pahiatua.
By Scott Ambridge,
operations executive for Te Uru Rauhī
- Mental Health and Addictions
MidCentral DHB
MidCentral DHB would like to reassure people in the Tararua District that there are no plans to permanently close the Community Mental Health Services currently provided in Pahiatua.
From December 7 through to February 19, 2021, community mental health services will be co-ordinated via the Dannevirke office, primarily to ensure we have good coverage throughout the Tararua District over the Christmas-New Year period when we have additional staff on leave.
The Pahiatua site will still be used for scheduled clinics twice a week or as needed. The psychiatrist and psychologist time in the Pahiatua office will remain the same frequency and duration.
By consolidating these services in Dannevirke over this time, we anticipate there will be no delays in service for people in the Tararua District. However, if there are unanticipated delays in service in Pahiatua, this will be corrected across the time period. We have informed staff, health providers, NZ Police and NGOs of this plan and have provided them with the appropriate contact details for any referrals to ensure consistency.
MidCentral DHB remains committed to providing the communities of the Tararua District with highest quality of Mental Health and Addictions services. In all instances, the needs of people and whānau are at the centre of our planning decisions, and this temporary change is no exception.