Back in the dim dark ages when I went to high school, history was one of my favourite subjects. I did my first degree in it.
Now I get that there are some people who aren’t interested in knowing about the past, but I firmly believe that in order to know where we’re going, we need to know where we’ve been.
Hear me out. One of my main interest areas was the Great Depression. I did a few papers around that and in sociology and I believe that one major cause of the Great Depression was the amount of money being borrowed. If we look back, there was a lot of this buy now, pay later, buy on credit, invest in the stock market idea being talked about in those days.
Well, people borrowed more than they could afford. And why was this? For many families, it was about keeping up with their neighbours. Sure, technology was vastly different to what it is now, but there were still advertisements talking about the latest gadget.