Coastguard searched off Haumoana, in Hawke's Bay, after a report of a swimmer in trouble. Photo / Warren Buckland
Coastguard searched off Haumoana, in Hawke's Bay, after a report of a swimmer in trouble. Photo / Warren Buckland
The big question that rescuers, witnesses, emergency services and media were asking, after a report came in of a swimmer in distress off Haumoana, was an obvious one.
Who the hell is swimming off Haumoana in late winter/early spring during level 4?
The report was from someone who believed theyhad seen a swimmer about 150m out to sea, in trouble.
The eye can be a trickster, especially where the ocean is concerned.
And there are probably coastal types who live in isolation anyway, and have disdain for various Covid levels or authority in general, and would swim anyway.
As for the missing swimmer, no one was found, and there was a silver lining to the grey clouds on the horizon off Haumoana.
The rescue chopper called in for the search was sent off to a house fire in Maraenui where firefighters had rescued a critically ill person.
As for the swimmer report, police reported that, to the best of their knowledge, no one was missing, and, certainly, no one was located.
Let's hope it was an emergency call prompted by an optical illusion, and not a reclusive coaster breaking level 4.
Because not everyone sticks to the level 4 rules.
Living rurally, it's a big temptation - ''who is going to find out, and there's no Covid here, so what are we worried about?'' isn't an uncommon attitude.
In town, all round Hastings and Napier at the weekend, there were people quietly or not so quietly knocking on doors and being let in.