The Ngaio Marsh Awards are presented annually for the best crime, mystery or thriller writing by New Zealand citizens and residents, and are named in honour of Christchurch crime writer Ngaio Marsh.
There's a crime-tastic line-up for this year's awards and three of the contenders are to be guests at the Ngaio Marsh Awards Villainy Near the Vines to be held at Taradale Library, Saturday, June 12, 6pm.
Former Hawke's Bay local, Charity Norman brings her latest novel, The Secrets of Strangers, to the party. A regular weekday morning veers drastically off-course for a group of strangers whose paths cross in a London cafe, their lives never to be the same again when an apparently crazed gunman holds them hostage.
Napier's Andrene Low throws Dietvale into the mix. With a divorcee desperate to get the body she wants and a sadistic health spa promising miracles, comedian and writer Ms Low creates a genre all of her own: body horror!
The third ingredient is Tina Clough's third novel to feature Hunter and Dao, Folded. Notes asking for help folded into tiny origami shapes and found outside a city apartment building, a physics textbook with tiny writing between the lines and a woman who abruptly resigns and disappears. Mysterious indeed.