Targeted rates for those who create more stormwater, and a new rate for properties considered rural.
Napier City Council today completed a revenue and policy review process by adopting rating structure changes that are set to come into force from July this year.
As part of a process spanning three years, with local elections in 2019 having brought in several new councillors midstream, changes to the Revenue and Financing Policy, Rating Policy, Rates Remissions Policy and Rates Postponement Policy were proposed in 2020 to address historic anomalies and better reflect Napier's current residential, commercial and rural zones.
There were seven weeks of community consultation, public meetings, notices to each ratepayer of individual impacts of proposals, and 540 public submissions, leading to a three-day hearing last week in which almost 30 people presented in-person.
Council deliberations extended from Friday to a 1hr 40min meeting which finalised the decision, amid Mayor Kirsten's concession that not everyone would be happy, although the council had worked hard to listen, and accommodate concerns.