Eastern and Central Community Trust (ECCT) is thrilled to launch its new Youth-Led Fund, which aims to assist and empower rangatahi (young people) to deliver projects in their school or community.
Managed by rangatahi for rangatahi, the Youth-Led Fund will provide grants between $100 and $5000 for projects that focus on making a positive impact in the regions ECCT serves, which include Tararua.
The new fund has stemmed from ECCT's Rangatahi Project, which has seen ECCT collaborate with its very own rangatahi rōpū, as well as community organisations, to guide funding to young people for the next five years.
Eastern and Central Community Trust chairwoman Shelly Mitchell-Jenkins says ECCT recognises that children and young people are key priorities in the regions it serves.
"We value our youth – their needs, aspirations and dreams for the future – which is why they are a focus area in our funding strategy. Our goal is to support young people in our region to reach their potential."