The Royal New Zealand Navy's largest ship, HMNZS Canterbury, is scheduled to make a historic visit to Hawke's Bay next month as it will coincide with Anzac Day 100 years after the last year of World War I."To get a big ship like that here for Anzac Day is a real coup — every port around New Zealand would love to have a ship that size arrive for what will be a very special time," Hawke's Bay regional naval officer Lieutenant Commander Neville Smith said.
On the Napier Port arrivals schedule it is set to tie up at 9am on April 24 and to depart on the 27th, although at this stage it is still to be officially confirmed by the Navy.
"It will be great to have them here," Mr Smith said.
The 9000-tonne Canterbury, which was commissioned in 2017 as the Navy's Protector class military sealift vessel, carries a core crew of 78.
As a transport, supply and personnel carrier it can, when required, carry 336 people.