Dannevirke's Rangatira Croquet Club hosted a rare event in New Zealand from March 4-6 – in fact, the only National Handicap Singles Association Croquet tournament in New Zealand.
Of the 19 croquet centres in New Zealand, 14 sent their winner to compete for the Arthur Ross Memorial Cup named after a pioneer in New Zealand Croquet, multiple winners on a global scale including English Champion in 1955.

The cup was first played for in 1979 and was won by Paul Skinley, who learned his skills as a high school student in Dannevirke and went on to perform well nationally representing Wellington.
Association Croquet is the traditional form of the game with golf croquet the faster new version – a bit like T20 is to test cricket. Some liken it to billiards as the shot played is always taken into consideration of the next shots to come. It is very tactical – some liken it to chess.