The Napier City Council expects to complete one of its longest-ever meetings when deliberation on the future rating structure resumes on Tuesday.
An extraordinary meeting to consider rates proposal the Revenue and Finance Policy started on Tuesday with the first of almost 30 appearances by submitters taking-up the right to present in-person.
Deliberations were adjourned at midday on Friday, taking the meeting into a 5th day when it resumes on Tuesday - likely to be "decision day," according to council media staff.
The meeting has been held in the large exhibition room of the War Memorial Centre, with the council still without a permanent home more than three years after the abandonment of its Civic Building at the end of 2017 after it failed earthquake-risk assessments.
Five public consultation meetings were held late last year, leading to submissions from ratepayers, of whom almost 30 took up the right to present in-person during the hearing.