The tendering process for a new Napier swimming complex has been put on hold because of concerns expressed by three city mayoral candidates.
A council statement says the move is due to recent comments from prospective mayoral candidates calling for a reconsideration of the new aquatic facility, after a new council is put in place following the Local Elections.
The mayoralty hopefuls were quoted in Hawke's Bay Today on August 8, all concerned that in view of the tight vote earlier this year — a 6-6 tie broken only with the use of a mayoral casting vote supporting the $41 million project — they could end up leading a council which might not support the new Aquatic Centre option, but be forced to go ahead with the decision already made.
Parts of the process will continue, and "pre-loading" begun on the site on the corner of Prebensen and Tamatea drives will continue, to take advantage of significant cost savings, and the fact that the pre-load material can be used on other projects if required.
NCC had begun a review of the tenders, which will continue until the review of the non-price attributes is complete. A review of the "price attributes" will not be started.