We're having a "White Night" at the museum on Saturday, September 30, as part of the arts festival. Running from 7pm-10pm, MTG will be open and free to visit.
We'll have Paella-a-go-go on the forecourt, a pop-up bar serving in the foyer throughout the night, and interactive art created by award-winning tape-art pioneers.
Enjoy a guided talk, led by curator Jess Mio, through our current major exhibition Freedom & Structure: Cubism and New Zealand Art 1930-1960, on loan from Auckland Art Gallery.
Talented musician Stretch is creating a playlist of music and songs related to the exhibitions on display - from Colin McCahon's fondness for Hank Williams, through jazz-age designs in Time for Tea, to the rich history of New Zealand music in He Manu Tioriori.
Something magic happens when art and music intersect, adding another layer to your White Night experience.
White Nights started as a trend for museums and galleries around the world following the 1984 Nuit Blanche in Paris, with all galleries, museums and bookshops open late as part of an arts festival.
Following on from this, the idea has spread across the globe - reaching Melbourne in 2013.
This year Napier has jumped on board with galleries, bookstores, art studios and the museum open for the evening.
Come and explore everything arts and culture in Napier's central city.
We're also really excited to have in the building six Art Deco robes which will be going on display before Christmas - ready for summer Art Deco.
These sumptuous robes come from the collection of Jack Richards, who previously loaned his Lalique collection for display here.
We're truly grateful to have access to this wonderful collection made available for everyone to enjoy through Jack's generosity.
Art Deco had quite a strong influence in Japan and we hope you'll enjoy this small but rich display.
• New Zealand International Film Festival - on now at the Century Theatre until 24 September. $16 adults, $14 concession, $11 children (15 and under).
White Night with bar, music, floor talk, tape art and paella, Saturday 30 Sept 7-10pm. Free entry
• Kids' Drop-in-Zone, a place for the family to drop in, relax and engage in some craft activities while at the museum. Open every weekend and over the school holidays.
• Laura Vodanovich is the director of the Museum Theatre Gallery (MTG) Hawke's Bay.