It will soon go out for public consultation.
Hastings went through a similar process in 2013 looking at 78km of roads deemed dangerous hot spots, with regular serious crashes.
A number of roads had their speed limits cut to 80km/h.
However, many Bay drivers were outraged with the lower speed limit and forced the council to hold a second round of consultation and two days of hearings, resulting in the return of the old 100km/h limit to most roads.
Mr Dalton was not concerned about a public outcry as the review is for "straight safety" purposes as opposed to a "blanket reduction" as Hastings did.
The review is looking at making some of the more dangerous roads in Napier, where a number of crashes have occurred, safer, Mr Dalton said.
Hawke's Bay Combined Taxi's manager John Hart is in favour of the change.
"It makes sense to me, Prebensen has become an important access point to Onekawa and Pandora so it's logical to reduce the limit. Prebensen does not have many long stretches of road and, as it is quite accident prone."
Mr Hart said his staff would be quite happy about the changes and it would not make much difference to their work.
"It will make roads safer for everyone, which is a good thing," Mr Hart said.
Emmerson central southern operating manager Kerry Hughes agreed, saying it would not affect the transport company. As long as it made roads safer the company would not oppose it.
The council is also embarking on a $6 million capacity and safety improvement project for the heavily trafficked section of Prebensen Drive, between the Hawke's Bay Expressway and Hyderabad Rd.
Prebensen Drive will be upgraded to four-lanes and will include a three metre wide shared pathway on the southern side.
Roads to be reviewed
Onehunga Road - To go from 100km/h to 70km/h.
Esk View Road - A 30-40km/h speed restriction to be designated for roads within the Esk Hills Estate. ¦
Tannery Road/Ulyatt Road- To go from 100km/h to 70km/h.
Te Awa Avenue - extend the existing 50km/h speed limit up to the Te Awa Avenue/Awatoto Road intersection.
Prebensen Drive - Construction of a new roundabout on Prebensen Drive, 100km/h to 80km/h.