"We closed when Covid started increasing in Hawke's Bay. It was definitely the right decision to close but we couldn't wait to open. We managed to keep our services going."
Jenny says CAB sees the value in networking with other organisations which supply similar but different services.
"We have a range of enquiries so it's much better to share resources. We can make a referral when we see a client."
She says it's now a richer environment and easy for people to access.
"We're right near the Warehouse — who doesn't know where that is? This is an easy way for people to access different services. Everyone is welcome — we don't judge."
The People's Advocacy Society, established in 1998 and working out of offices in Napier and Hastings, has joined the hub. Jeremy Roberts volunteers each Tuesday, 9.30am-2.30pm, advocating for people having trouble with government departments.
"We're not agents. We open doors for people and we get results. Our hardest area is emergency housing — that can be quite challenging."
Jenny says the hub also has the support of most large law firms, covering shifts on a roster and offering free 10 minute consultations. They give advice on what to do and where to go, Jenny says.
"It's really useful and saves a lot of time. It's on a first come first serve basis, with no appointments."
With the hub getting busier, Jenny says there is an opening for a volunteer receptionist who can commit to one shift a week. It could be a retired person or someone wanting to get back into the workforce.
"We have a very supportive environment. It could be good for someone new to the country who wants to learn about the Kiwi culture. People can basically come to this office about anything to get help, guidance and support."
■ Anyone needing advice can contact the Napier Citizens Advice Bureau in Bower House, Bower St, Monday to Friday 9am-4pm. At present we are still seeing people face to face so pop in or call us on 06 8359664 or 0800 367 222. Alternatively, you can email on napier@cab.org.nz. Confidentiality is assured.