New Napier takeaways proprietor Daniel Kyte likes it hot – but not as hot as when an enraged man bowls through the door swinging a club or bat intent on smashing up the premises.
The attack happened mid-morning on Tuesday at the small Wycliffe St Shopping Centre, where Bushman's Tucka has been open since early December, with Kyte chasing a reputation for the hottest hamburger in Hawke's Bay.
He's even offering a monthly prize for the fastest downing - somewhere around two and a half minutes - of the king-size-bun specialty with alert-level-hot chilli, Carolina Reaper-style.
It took barely that amount of time when a man, wearing a Hastings-branded gang patch, swung a "baseball" bat to let steam off in an attack said to be linked to the activity of a dog, a woman and a young boy in the small shopping centre on Monday afternoon.
Locals said "the pound" – aka Napier City Council Animal Control – had been called on Monday about a dog around the shops, and a woman and young boy arrived at the shop soon afterwards wanting to know who had made the call.