The Hawke's Bay Regional Council is proposing an ambitious tree planting solution to protect and strengthen as much as 250,000 hectares of what it calls "highly-erodable and vulnerable" land.
In a trial named "Right Tree Right Place", the Council will offer a loan and other funding mechanisms to landowners to plant trees on the land, with economic and environmental benefits, from manuka, honey, timber and horticulture options with the greatest potential to deliver a return and offset loan repayments.
Cr Will Foley, a former Federated Farmers Hawke's Bay provincial chairman, says it has economic and environmental benefits for the farming community, local economy and wider community.
"As a farmer, this makes completes sense," he says. "Many farmers are planting and growing trees already in vulnerable areas, but we need this to happen on a much bigger scale to ensure our land is resilient to a changing climate."
"For pastoral farmers, this programme will help us meet freshwater regulatory targets, provide a diversified income stream, help combat erosion, store carbon, and strengthen biodiversity. It's a no-brainer really," he says.