A Napier teenager hit by a train while on his way to school a year ago has met one of the train drivers involved in the collision.
It will mark one year on Friday since Napier Boys' High School student Ishaan Prasaad, now 17, was hit by a train while biking to school.
His mother says it has been a long recovery for her son but he is doing well now, and it "is a miracle he is standing on his feet and walking".
Ishaan was on hand to help launch Rail Safety Week in Wellington this week, and was even given the opportunity last week to meet one of the train drivers involved in the crash a year ago.
"It was very emotional because it was the first time [they met]," mum Irene Prasaad said.
"It was emotional to meet him and hear him talk about what happened on that day and how he felt," she said.
"In that sense I just feel Ishaan was very lucky and it is a miracle he is standing on his feet and walking and passing on this message of rail safety."
The scene of the collision in Napier on August 12 last year. Photo / Warren Buckland
Irene said Ishaan wanted to take part in Rail Safety Week to help encourage others to be careful around train tracks.
"He collided with the front left hand corner with his helmet and broke a light on the side of the [locomotive], and his bike has gone underneath the loco and I'm not sure if he went with it, but he was out the side afterwards."