Newly elected National Party Leader Todd Muller has a huge job on his hands. Photo / File
Newly elected National Party Leader Todd Muller has a huge job on his hands. Photo / File
I would have loved to be a fly on the wall in the National Caucus last Friday when the votes were counted to decide if Simon Bridges would be rolled.
I think I would have been able to tell who voted for who by facial expressions when the announcementwas made.
Actually probably not because politicians are very good at hiding their feelings but I really want to know who voted for Todd Muller and who voted for Bridges.
I had never heard of the newly elected National Party leader before the middle of last week when his name started being bandied around in the media as a possible threat to Bridges.
I wasn't surprised there was a threat but I honestly didn't think Muller would pull it off because "who was this person"?
It will take a strong, late run to ensure that come September they are still not in opposition.
I should say at this point that during my voting years I have voted for both parties.
I always think about which party I think would do the best for the country but more importantly for me, I look to the leader of the party.
The leader must be strong, respected and respectful, honest and have ears. Ears that listen to what the people in this country need, not particularly want.
As far as I am concerned Jacinda Ardern has conducted herself incredibly well throughout her almost three years at the helm.
And what a three years it has been.
When she first became the prime minister I was skeptical. She has proven herself to be a world-class leader during the Christchurch Mosque attack, the White Island explosion and Covid-19.
However the above are not political situations, rather they were terrorist attacks, a disaster and a pandemic. Many people say she hasn't been tested politically, as a prime minister.
Still she's strong, has empathy, and is not afraid to make decisions she knows are not going to be popular.
We will never know what Bridges would have done around the Covid-19 pandemic.
What I do know is that I'm grateful to live in New Zealand, I'm grateful that our Prime Minister made the decision to go into lockdown when she did.
Yes it's going to be tough for so many of us in the months and maybe even years to come as we try to recover from the economic fallout from Covid-19.
Linda Hall
However, when I look at countries around the world digging mass graves, their healthcare systems overwhelmed as they try to cope with the number of people contracting and dying of Covid-19, I feel lucky.
Although as Ashley Bloomfield said, "The worst thing we can do is think we have conquered this thing. That's the easy thing to think." We still have to keep our distance and keep up excellent hygiene habits.
Muller has a huge job on his hands as I'm sure he knows. Voters will be watching. Three months is not a lot of time for him to turn things around, but you just never know.
One thing is for sure — it's going to be an interesting lead up to this year's election.
Linda Hall is assistant editor at Hawke's Bay Today