Luckily for me I had a long top on. I was hoping that my luck would hold and a certain person who I shall call PA would be at her desk to assist me.
PA was the only one I thought I could ask for help.
She was there but instead of leaping to her feet to undo the damage she fell about laughing.
Finally I managed to coax her into an empty office where as I stood ramrod straight she yanked and pulled amid giggles.
I must admit by now I was seeing the funny side.
She too tried to save the scarf but to no avail. The scissors were brought in. I thought I was standing still before but when PA came at me with the scissors by crikey I didn't move an inch. She, however, was still laughing as she sniped my beautiful new scarf.
Freed at last we inspected the damage and agreed it could have been worse.
That's not the only mistake I've made in the past couple of weeks.
Over the weekend Master Six and Miss Almost Nine had a sleepover and as is custom I cooked them pancakes for breakfast.
Miss Almost Nine was telling me how beautiful my pancakes were. "I like them like this because they are nice and light, not all brown ...." She stopped talking suddenly and when I looked up was peering closely at her pancake.
"There's an eyebrow in my pancake."
Where? I asked as Master Six stopped pouring "Maybe" syrup all over his breakfast and leaned in to observe.
"Oh I don't like that," he said. Lucky it wasn't in his. Miss Almost Nine picked it out and kept eating.
However, when she was eating her second one and claimed to find another "eyebrow" I decided to inspect it myself.
Both he and she were pointing at it but I couldn't see it at all.
"You've got glasses so you should be able to see it better than us," Miss said.
If only it worked like that.
She must have been hungry because after a few seconds spent extracting an eyebrow I couldn't see the plate was empty and the next pancake ready.
Third time lucky — all clear.
I thought about saying 'that was a rather highbrow breakfast wasn't it?' But thought better of it. I knew it would result in far too many questions for that time of the morning.
- Linda Hall is Hawke's Bay Today's premium content editor.