The Ngati Kahungunu Matariki fireworks display at the Hawke's Bay Showgrounds. Photo / Paul Taylor
The Ngati Kahungunu Matariki fireworks display at the Hawke's Bay Showgrounds. Photo / Paul Taylor
COMMENT I have the solution for the National Party. The only way they can win this election is to lure Dr Ashley Bloomfield away from Labour and make him the leader of their party.
He's popular, can answer questions under fire, and he has a way of making people feel calm— well me anyway.
Seriously though, the National Party is in trouble. I wasn't going to write about politics or Covid this week and I promise not to rattle on but there's no getting away from either subject at the moment.
It will be interesting to see who is brave enough to put their hand up to take charge of the party. With just over two months from the election whoever ends up at the helm will have their work cut out for them.
Some people detest fireworks and I don't like hearing them go off night after night leading up to and following Guy Fawkes. I do have some fantastic memories of fireworks nights as a child and always let a few off when my children were young.
I think if people just let them off on November 5 everyone would be happy. But there are always going to be people who spoil it for others.
Controlled displays are a good idea and if the Ngāti Kahungunu Matariki fireworks display at the Hawke's Bay Showgrounds on Friday night is anything to go by, then that's what we should think about doing.
We watched from our backyard and it was spectacular. There will be another display in Napier on Saturday at the Sound Shell with gates opening at 4.30pm and fireworks at 6pm. It is very loud, so might pay to take some headphones for little people.
Linda Hall
Changing the subject again — have you seen the videos on social media of people scaring family members? They jump out at them, wear masks and stand behind them and blast horns when they are sleeping.
Mr Neat was most amused watching a clip recently. I said "don't even think about it". But he did.
I was minding my own business walking down the hallway, when the hotwater cupboard door opened to the side of me and from within came this hideous noise like a ghost with tonsilitis.
I jumped turned and there was a figure standing there with a beanie pulled down over its face. I squealed but luckily I was lightning fast and as the figure stepped toward me I slammed the door shut.
Funnily enough there was knocking and Mr Neat's voice floated out "let me out, let me out."
I had a little chuckle to myself as I poured a glass of wine and the knocking got louder. I didn't leave him in there too long. Funny but he hasn't tried it again.