Our beautiful Hawke's Bay Opera House. Photo / File
Our beautiful Hawke's Bay Opera House. Photo / File
I really don't like feeling unwell. I'm sure no one does — and no it's nothing to do with the C-19 word.
Anyway, I wasn't feeling too flash so took myself off to the doctors. It was the first time I had worn a mask and the minute iput it on my glasses fogged up. I fiddled around and it was fine. I figured if there was ever a place you needed to wear a mask it was at a medical centre.
So when my turn came to see the doc and I started relating my symptoms they replied with something along these lines "when we get older ...".
There was this buzzing in my ears and my eyes glazed over. They must be talking about someone else surely. I'm far from old.
Speaking of the "current climate" I really hope that the Prime Minister announces on Friday that we can go to level 1 next week.
So many events have been cancelled and postponed.
I know our health is more important than going out for dinner and a show but there are only so many nights in one can stand. There is nothing to watch on the telly unless you follow the cooking show that's on just about every night of the week.
Last night the programme for the Harcourts Hawke's Bay Art Festival was launched. This year it will come to us from the Toitoi Arts Event Centre — the perfect place to showcase the amazing talent coming our way.
Linda Hall is assistant editor at Hawke's Bay Today.
Festival director Pitsch Leiser says the 2020 Festival is inspired by a well-known local waiata; Tūtira mai ngā iwi with its call to stand united, shoulder to shoulder, pakihiwi ki te pakihiwi.
There are 65 events planned over the two weeks from October 12-26 — exciting.
I know Hawke's Bay people will give this festival their full support. I think we are all a bit starved for some song and dance, comedy, and simply a good night out with family and friends. The lineup also includes children's shows, opera to hip hop, jazz to indie and classical to country.
It's also the perfect opportunity to have a look at the Opera House. After years of renovations, strengthening and rebuilding it finally opened in March only to close its doors a few weeks later as the country went into lockdown.
So many people haven't had the chance to see what a magnificent job has been done on this Grand Old Lady. I was lucky to have a look around and believe me it's stunning.
So fingers crossed that come October we all get the chance to step inside its doors and enjoy the show — or maybe three of four.
But that's not all — we also have F.A.W.C! Summer Series to look forward to. The Food and Wine Classic will this year run from November 6 to 15. So much to look forward to. Bring it on.
- *Linda Hall is assistant editor at Hawke's Bay today