Protester's vehicles cogging the streets near Parliament forcing businesses to close. Photo / Mark Mitchell
Protester's vehicles cogging the streets near Parliament forcing businesses to close. Photo / Mark Mitchell
There's so much going on in New Zealand and around the world at the moment, it's easy to feel a bit lost sometimes.
It's almost two years since the first Covid-19 case was reported in this country on February 28, 2020.
Never did I imagine that two years laterCovid would still be ruling our lives, dividing friends and family and playing havoc with our businesses.
People have lost their jobs, marriages have broken up (well one that I know of because the woman announced it on national TV . She said she had left her husband because he got the booster).
The woman was part of the protest at Parliament and she, like everyone else in this country, is entitled to her opinion.
If the protesters want to protest then go for it and from what I have seen the majority of them are calm and peaceful.
However, the people who have parked their cars in the city's streets causing businesses to close and those harassing people for wearing masks are making a mockery of their protest.
Protesters were given the option of parking at Sky Stadium, but few took up the offer. Instead they have been abusing parking wardens for ticketing them.
The NZ Herald reported yesterday that when they were asked why they didn't take up the offer one protester said it was because their vehicles were part of the community. It was where they slept, prepared food, she said. "If we take these away it takes away what we've built."
Oh but it's okay to take away people's livelihoods.
But worse than that is what happened to a high school girl minding her own business, walking to the supermarket. She encountered a carload of protesters who abused her for wearing a mask, demanding that she took it off.
The 17-year-old ignored them but the brave protesters weren't done yet. They threw raw eggs at her as they continued to yell abuse.
Disgusting behaviour.
Isn't that what the protesters are protesting about? Freedom of choice. So it's okay for you to choose not to wear a mask but it's not okay for anyone else to choose to wear one?
And what's with the Trump flags and the Canadian flags. What has that got to do with New Zealand?
Linda Hall is assistant editor, Hawke's Bay Today.
One day, hopefully in the not too distant future, we probably won't need to wear masks, the mandates will be lifted and life will carry on.
When that day comes the protesters can thank the 96 per cent of Kiwis aged 12 and older, who have received one dose of the vaccine and the 95 per cent who had received two. Not to mention the 61 per cent eligible for a booster who have had it.
That's what's keeping our people safe. That's what is freeing up hospital beds for the people who really need them.
By all means protest, but don't do it at the expense of others and stop abusing anyone who doesn't agree with you.
• Linda Hall is assistant editor at Hawke's Bay Today