A ramp to be used in activities designed to encourage and give confidence to wheelchair users has been built by Menzshed members and delivered to Hastings Sport Centre.
The centre is running programmes that will encourage wheelchair independence for children with disabilities.
Menzshed Hastings was established earlier this year and has found a home in the former changing rooms of the old Hastings netball courts in Windsor Park. The building has been leased to the club by the council.
"The members undertake a variety of community projects using woodworking and metalworking equipment that has been donated," club chairman Brian Rutledge said. "The council has given us several projects - they supply the material and make a donation to the shed. The first one finished is a wooden ramp for use at the council-owned sports centre in Railway Road."
Menzshed vice-chairman Bruce Cowie says much of the members' time over the past four months has been spent installing equipment and modifying the changing rooms to make a workspace.