It’s parent interview time at many schools around the region. A time I absolutely used to dread as a child, and now I’ve come full circle, dreading it again.
Growing up at a very small country school with a roll of around 30 children, I was a small fish in a small pond during Primer 1, and then by Standard 4 I was a big fish in a small pond.
And that’s because the intelligence pond wasn’t that big. That meant that I was usually okay. I was nailing my school readers, flying through The Sweet Porridge and my personal favourite, The Hungry Lambs!
Although I was good at spelling, I would conveniently have a sore tummy on spelling test day, but all in all, it was usually a pretty good report when Mum and Dad came home. They said I enjoyed a sing-along on the mat and was for most parts, “a pleasure to teach”.
But your parents rarely went further than that in the ‘80s - they used to like to make you work for any compliments, so I never really knew how well I was doing.