"Geotechnical engineers and Transport Agency staff have done a preliminary assessment of the slip, with a drone flyover, ensuring it is safe for crews to start clearing slip material and stabilising the slopes," he said.
Today, Tararua District Mayor Tracey Collis is visiting Woodville businesses and her first stop will be the Bridge Cafe.
"It's important we all support them," she said.
"I understand the pain is still deep in Woodville after the 2011 gorge closure.
"However, these days Woodville is a destination, with a vibrancy on the streets and it's not the goal of most to bypass the town. They want to visit."
Mrs Collis said the biggest factor for the Tararua District Council would be communication.
"The time difference to travel the detour route over the Saddle Rd is just eight minutes and there's been a huge investment in that road by the NZTA and councils and we're not facing the 2011 challenges with that road," she said.
And Tararua District councillor Peter Johns isn't proposing the reinstatement of the barrier across Oxford Rd to divert all traffic through Woodville, which caused controversy in 2011.
After some residents expressed outrage, the district council removed the gate.
But Mr Johns later faced a code of conduct complaint after comments he made during an extraordinary council meeting on December 22, 2011, called to discuss the Oxford Rd closure.
He accused council chief executive Blair King of giving poor advice to councillors. However, Mr King disagreed and said councillors had chosen to go against his recommendation (to close Oxford Rd).
Mr King laid the code of conduct complaint and during a formal hearing explained his reasons for taking action.
He said as Mr Johns had declined to withdraw his comments, he felt his professional integrity and competence in front of staff, media and the public had been maligned.
As well, he said Mr Johns' email of apology to him was made following the request from then mayor Roly Ellis and his subsequent comments to the press indicated he did not understand the issue.
Mr Johns admitted making an error in criticising Mr King in a public forum and, in doing so, breaching the Code of Conduct and at the next monthly meeting made a public apology through a letter read out by Mr Ellis.