E te hāpori whānui o Tamaki nui-ā-Rua.
Tēnā rā koutou, tēnā rā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa.
With the advent of Matariki we take this time to acknowledge those who have passed on. Matariki signals the season of new beginnings and the recognition of both the past and the future. It is therefore appropriate with a new year dawning that Rangitāne look to the future by sharing the building blocks of our past. Each week we wish to share some of our history that is inextricably entwined with history of those families who have found their way to Tamaki nui-ā-Rua and made this their home.
Matariki is the cluster of stars also known as Pleiades. Matariki is also the name of one of the stars in Pleiades, Alcyone. She is the mother.
When Matariki rises in the northeast and the moon is new, it signifies the start of the Māori lunar year. Recently, it has been said there are nine stars. However, from a Rangitāne o Tamaki nui-ā-Rua perspective, there are just seven. Matariki is celebrated in different ways throughout Aotearoa.
Each star is associated with specific elements of our environment.
Matariki, a reflection of our past and to our future; connecting people together and, with our environment.
Waitī, freshwater and creatures from streams, lakes and rivers.
Waitā, salt water and food from the sea.
Waipuna-ā-rangi, life-giving rain.
Tupuānuku, food that comes from the ground.
Tupuārangi, food from above the ground.
Ururangi is linked to the winds.
If Matariki shines brightly at daybreak, a year of abundance is coming. If it is hazy, a year of scarcity is ahead. How will Matariki express herself to us this Māori New Year?
This year Matariki the Māori New Year will be observed on Friday July 14. As whānau and hapū members of Rangitāne o Tamaki nui-ā-Rua we welcome in the New Year. We invite the public to join in our Matariki celebrations.
Monday July 10 Ahikā-roa and Whāngai i te hautapu ceremony
5am Mākirikiri Marae, Dannevirke.
We rekindle the fire of Ahikā-roa o Rangitāne
Te Tapere nui o Whātonga.
Contact Te Whare Taiao
Tuesday July 11 Whiuwhiu Pātai - Matariki Quiz
5:30 at Merrylees Hotel, Dannevirke.
Enter a team of five for a night of fun and facts.
Contact Te Whare Taiao
Wednesday July 12 Kaumātua Luncheon
11am Mākirikiri Marae, Dannevirke.
Remembering and celebrating our Kaumātua.
Contact Te Kete Hauora
Night Market
4–7pm, Rangitāne Square, High St, Dannevirke.
Friday July 14 Public Opening of the Te Wānanga Taiao
The opening of the new Environment & Ecology Education Centre.
10am Pūkaha National Wildlife Centre, Masterton.