Secondary school sport, winter tournament week - wow, what a brilliant week of sport it has been around the country. A great effort by all the various sports codes, and organisers in the background, to get themselves aligned and make it all possible.
We were lucky here in Hawke's Bay to have a good piece of the action, including Girls Hockey, Boys Soccer, Badminton, and the Golf champs, with visitors to wine country arriving from all corners. And that's one of the great spinoffs of youth sport, it takes you to all sorts of places that you wouldn't otherwise get to - a great excuse to force you out of your weekly routines, pack up the car and get out of town.
The travel and tournaments are great for keeping the young athletes grounded - when you are a big fish in a small pond, it can be easy to get ahead of yourself, and think you are better than you are - so there is nothing like getting around the country, coming up against some other young competitive Kiwi's, and learning a bit of healthy respect for others.
As Sport New Zealand have highlighted, Kiwi's participation in competitive sport is following the downward global trend. Therefore, we need to tip our hat to all the coaches and administrators behind the scenes who have worked hard to get the collective alignment to make these tournaments happen.
However, in this increasingly busy world, we still need to do more to sport an even better experience for the students. With a similar level of alignment between clubs and schools, the various programmes involved with the young athletes can get on the same page, and enhance the fun and long-term outcomes for the student athletes.