Green, Green Grass of Home
Don’t Worry, Be Happy
500 Miles
She Works Hard for the Money
Thank God I’m a Country Boy
Horse with No Name
Obviously, I was writing this to a deadline in not getting the above list complete. I’d appreciate any help you can offer. Send your offerings to or text to 027 423 8997 or post on the Federated Farmers Tararua Facebook page. (There will be a lucky draw with prizes).
Now, on to the more serious stuff.
Tararua, Manawatu/Rangitikei and Whanganui Federated Farmers did a joint submission to the Horizons Water Allocation consultation last week. We raised concerns regarding:
Essential takes for domestic use and stock water
Water for fire and emergency purposes
Permitted activity takes
The need for rigorous analysis to calculate freshwater catchment flows and levels
Practical durations for water permits
Stock exclusion impacts
Hydro and public water supplies
Efficient use of water.
The full 14-page document will be available on the Federated Farmers Tararua webpage.
Tararua Federated Farmers will be hosting an evening with Powerco at the Eketahuna Rugby Clubrooms on August 30 at 5pm. Please register for catering purposes. A light supper will be provided, see the ad in this publication.