KiwiRail's Regional Rail Hub, near Palmerston North, has reached a significant milestone, with the Independent Hearing Panel recommending it be given the planning designation it needs to proceed, says executive general manager property Olivia Poulsen.
KiwiRail applied to have the land the hub will be built on designated for rail use – a consenting process commonly used for large infrastructure projects – in late October 2020.
This was followed by public hearings on the designation before the Panel in August and September 2021.
"After careful consideration, the panel has confirmed that it recommends to KiwiRail that it proceed with the designation. This is great news for us and for Palmerston North, marking a major milestone for the hub project," Ms Poulsen says.
"The regional freight hub will offer the Tararua District further opportunities for businesses to operate from our towns being close to Palmerston North," said Tararua District Mayor Tracey Collis.